Water hammer arrestor, male or female

Water hammer is a shock phenomenon that occurs when there is a sudden variation in the speed of a liquid, after a valve or tap is turned on or off, or when a pump stops

This violent shock often involves a characteristic noise, and can result in the pipe bursting in larger installations, due to the quantity of water in motion.
This problem can be resolved by introducing a water hammer arrestor.

• Prestressing: 4 bars.
• Network pressure up to 10 bars
• Max. temperature : 85°C
• Absorption of impacts up to 20 bars


• Solid brass CW617N
• Robust and compact
• Spring mechanism piston system • Horizontal or vertical installation

Water hammer arrestor

Anti-bélier mâle ou femelle
Schema Anti-bélier

Water hammer arrestor, male or female

Water hammer arrestor, male or female

Découvrez l'application Grandsire
